# Encrypt keycloak startup scripts to hide DB connection information
# Summary
Encrypt the keycloak startup script using shc.
# Background of the problem
When I'm making systemd unit file for the keycloak server as follows:
ExecStart=/home/keycloak/keycloak-20.0.2/bin/kc.sh start --hostname keycloak.mydomanin.com --db mariadb --db-url-host localhost --db-username keycloak --db-password keycloakpassword --transaction-xa-enabled=false
Hmm, I'm worried it seems so open of the Database connection information. So, let's encrypt keycloak start script with shc
# shc
According to the Shell script compiler (shc) (opens new window), the shc is "A generic shell script compiler". It makes C source code from a script file. Created C source code consists of the original script which encrypted by RC4, decrypt it and run.
# steps of hide datab ase connection information from systemd unit file
# 1. Separate start script into another shell file
Create new script file as follow:
bin/kc.sh start --hostname keycloak.mydomanin.com --db mariadb --db-url-host localhost --db-username keycloak --db-password keycloakpassword --transaction-xa-enabled=false
Notice that the first line, so called "shebang", mast be necessary.
The file name can be anything, but let's say start.sh here.
# 2. install shc
sudo apt-get install shc
# 3. compile script
shc -v -r -f start.sh
The meaning of the options in the script above is as follows:
v: Verbose compilation. So no need if you don't care about it.
r: Relax security. Make a redistributable binary which executes on different systems running the same operating system. No need if you wouldn't redistribution to different system for example ARM arch server.
f: File path of the script to compile
Then following files are created:
- start.sh.x.c: C source code translation of original start.sh
- start.sh.x: Compiled binary file
Use start.sh.x for making systemd unit file
# 4. replace keycloak start script to compiled start.sh.x in systemd unit file.
That's it!
# References
- Configuring the database (opens new window) keycloak official guide to store data in a relational database.
- Shell script compiler (shc) (opens new window) official page of shc.