# Basic Idea

As explained on Global Computed (opens new window) in the VuePress Guide, you can get values of all pages from $page (opens new window). For example, put following code fracsion on your .md file in your VuePress site:


You may see a long array of page.

# $site.pages[0]

{ "title": "Mieux vaut tard que jamais.", "frontmatter": {}, "regularPath": "/", "relativePath": "README.md", "key": "v-7129cff6", "path": "/", "headers": [ { "level": 2, "title": "Posts", "slug": "posts" }, { "level": 2, "title": "Topics", "slug": "topics" } ], "lastUpdated": "12/6/2023, 6:23:01 AM", "lastUpdatedTimestamp": 1701843781000 }

Last Updated: 11/29/2022, 11:18:56 AM